Your Prices
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Last updated
This section will only appear for those taxi companies that operate in special divisions designated by the system administrator. For all other companies, this section will be hidden.
In this section, the taxi company can set its own prices per kilometer considering the total distance, as well as add the cost per minute of travel, establish its own prices for additional services.
Using the provided data, the system will utilize the lowest prices offered by companies within this specific division for trip cost estimation. The company with the lowest prices will receive orders as a priority.
Also, an average price per KM of travel is displayed above each field, allowing the company to have an overall understanding of its competitors' prices and set the most advantageous prices for its customers.
Note: Prices per kilometer traveled, as well as for travel time and additional services, are set by the company for each vehicle individually.
The company can set its own prices for both city taxi services and transfers to/from the airport. For transfers, it is also necessary to select an airport from the offered list.
More detailed information about the functionality of this feature can be found here.