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Last updated
After the order has been assigned to the taxi company and accepted by them, the order appears in the "Jobs" section. This means that the order is queued for execution.
At the top of the page, there is a search and filtering feature for easy retrieval of specific orders:
Search by keyword;
Search by order number;
Search by taxi company, showing all orders assigned to a specific taxi company (auto-complete field, start typing the company name, and the system will suggest options);
Search by driver, showing all orders assigned to a specific driver (auto-complete field);
Search by car class, showing all orders assigned to a specific car class (auto-complete field);
Search by specific date or time frame, showing all orders starting within the selected time frame.
Additionally, sorting bookings by date and order number (A-Z and Z-A) is available in the section.
Initially, the section displays bookings scheduled for the previous day, followed by orders for today, tomorrow, and so on.
Note: Orders are color-coded as follows: gray - already started, purple - starting today, red - orders starting within the next 7 days, yellow - starting in a next week, green - more than 2 weeks away.
Also, orders marked with an arrow and "/B" code are return trip orders.
Furthermore, on this page, details of the orders such as:
Order number;
Date and time of the trip (CET +1:00);
Pick-up and drop-off addresses;
Taxi company assigned to execute the specific order (as a link to the taxi company's profile);
Driver assigned to execute the order (as a link to the driver's profile);
Car class with pic;
"More Info" button to access order details;
"Block" button - detailed information can be found here.