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In this section, you can view all incoming orders before assigning them for execution. Initially, the orders come into this section and are then forwarded to taxi companies for fulfillment.
The section includes several tabs for convenient order sorting:
This section displays all orders (Airport Transfer, City Taxi, Delivery) that have been received in the system but have not yet been assigned to an executor. This section allows the administrator to promptly respond to new orders and assign them to executors, especially when the system operates in manual mode. When the system is switched to automatic order assignment mode, orders from this section will be distributed automatically by the system.
This section contains orders that have been assigned to an executor but have not yet been accepted. In other words, the executor has not confirmed whether they can fulfill the order. If the order is not confirmed by the executor or if they decline it, the order returns to the Pending section. With automatic order distribution, the order will be automatically reassigned to another executor.
If all executors refuse to fulfill an order, it is moved to this section. The administrator will then decide whether to cancel the order or manually assign it to another executor.
All canceled orders are stored and archived in this section. An order can be canceled by the customer or the administrator.
This section contains and displays all orders for which payment has not been completed. These can be regular orders where the client interrupted and did not complete the payment. Additionally, these could be partner orders where payment is consolidated for multiple orders on an invoice.
A separate tab allows the system administrator to view all incoming city taxi orders.
Similar to the City Taxi tab, this tab displays only delivery orders.
In this section, all requests for trip cost estimates are displayed.
Here, you can see all taxi requests where customers have agreed to share their trip with another customer to receive a discount on their order.
Orders that were not completed due to the fault of the executor and require a refund are placed in this section. The administrator will determine whether the executor is at fault. If the executor is found guilty, they will face penalties, including restricted access to orders, and the specified amount determined by the administrator will be deducted from their overall earnings.
Additionally, located in the top right corner, there is a link to generate a new booking form. When the admin clicks on this link, they will be directed to a new page where they can manually create a new booking and assign it to a specific customer. See more information about creating a new booking find.
At the same place, you can find "Export" functionality which provide to admin ability to download all bookings in CSV format.