Email Templates
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In this section, the system administrator can activate and configure the content of all emails that the system sends to the administrator, clients, companies, and drivers.
Below is a list of all available letters:
Notification Companion Joined (Owner) – Email received by a new taxi company after successful registration and addition to the system.
Company Acceptance Mail – Email received by potential taxi companies after submitting their application for inclusion. This email also allows attaching a contract in the form of an electronic document, which the company must print, sign, and send a scanned version of the signed document.
Company Invoice Request – Email received by a taxi company after requesting settlement with the platform administrator for completed orders.
Notification Companions Found – Notification received by a client who has agreed to share their trip with other clients, after the system finds a companion for them.
Notification Sharing Cancelled (User) – Email received by a client who agreed to share a trip in case the shared trip did not take place for any reason (for example, if a companion was not found).
Notification Companion Cancelled (User) – Email received by a client who agreed to share a trip in case their companion decided to cancel their trip.
Notification Successfully Joined Sharing – Email received by a client if the system finds suitable trips for them to join.
Notification Price Offer Accepted – Email received by a taxi company when their offer in response to a "Price Request" has been accepted by the client.
Notification Sharing Cancelled After Update (User) – Email received by a client if their companion makes changes to their order, and it no longer meets the parameters of the shared trip and cannot be combined with another client.
Notification Sharing Cancelled (Company) – Email received by a taxi company if a client disables the shared trip option.
Notification Companion Cancelled (Company) – Email received by a taxi company if one of the companions cancels their order for a shared trip.
Notification Companion Joined (Company) – Email received by a taxi company fulfilling an order if a companion joins the order.
Notification Sharing Cancelled After Update (Company) – Email received by a taxi company fulfilling an order with a shared trip if one of the clients changes the parameters of their order, and it can no longer be shared.
Notification Booking Reminder (Company) – Email received by a taxi company as a reminder of an upcoming order.
Notification Price Request – Email received by taxi companies after a client requests a price for a trip.
Notification Booking Changed – Email received by a taxi company if the details of the order have been changed.
User Credentials – Email received by a client after registering in the system or placing their first order.
Driver Credentials – Email received by a client after a driver has been assigned to their order.
Notification Booking Created – Email received by a client after placing an order.
Notification Booking Cancelled – Email sent to the client in case of order cancellation.
Notification Booking Reminder – Reminder email to the client that their order will start in 24 hours.
Notification Booking Assigned – Notification received by a taxi company after being assigned an order.
Notification Driver Changed – Email received by the client if the driver scheduled for their trip has been changed.
Notification New Price Offer – Email received by the client after a taxi company sends them a price offer for the trip.
Notification Booking Processed – Email received by the client after their order has been assigned to a taxi company.
Notification Booking Finalized – Email received by the client upon completion of their order.
Notification Company Created – Email received by a taxi company after the administrator adds them to the system.
Notification Review Created – System administrator notification about a new customer review.
Notification Review Replied – Email received by a taxi company after responding to a customer review.
Notification Company Application Submitted – Email received by a potential taxi company after submitting their application to join the system.
Booking Quote – Email received by the client after sending price quotes to their email.
Available dynamic variables that can be used in the body of the email:
[booking] - Booking number
[user] - User name
[company_name] - Taxi company name
[login] - User login (email)
[password] - User password