Vehicles classes
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In this section, all available cars in the selected country are displayed. Each car is presented in a brief overview: status (active or not), car image, car class name, availability of a space for disabled persons, trailer, child seats. Additionally, buttons for accessing advanced car settings or deleting the car are available.
Important: Each division (country) has its own vehicles with individual settings, which may differ from settings in other divisions.
Additionally, at the top of the page, you can find: a search by keyword, which simplifies finding the desired machine, especially in case of many machines in your system. Also, an option for adding a new machine is available.
By selecting a specific car class and clicking the "More Info" button, you will be taken to a page with advanced settings for that car class.
Settings are presented in the form of informational blocks with the machine's basic specifications, which are applied when calculating a trip if there are no orders or the order does not enter zones with established special travel conditions.
This section provides key information about the car class. The list of information includes the following data: car availability (yes/no), class name, picture, sequential number (affects the car's display position in the car list provided by the widget when ordering), car class description, availability of a space for disabled, presence of a trailer, presence of child seats.
All these data affect the display of this class of car in the widget when creating an order.
In this section, you can set up base prices for the selected car class. Base prices are applied if there are no special prices for the respective zones or airports. If special prices are set for a zone or airport, then the order will be calculated at the special prices; otherwise, the trip cost will be calculated based on the base prices.
Base prices include the following data:
By request (no/yes) — Will the cost of the trip be displayed to the customer immediately, or will they need to send a request which all relevant taxi companies will receive and provide their own price for the trip, which the customer will receive via email;
By Request Percent — When the "price on request" option is selected, taxi companies will send their offers directly to the customer. The system will then automatically add an administration commission to these offers. This feature addresses the issue by automatically adding the specified percentage of the administrator's commission to the price proposals from taxi companies;
One way price — Cost of a one-way trip. The price is per kilometer. Decimal values are supported (for example: 2.6 euros per 1 km);
Return price — Return Discount (%) — Discount for Round Trip. By booking a return trip at once, the client effectively purchases two trips (there and back) from you. Often, to leave a good impression on the client, it's desirable to offer them a small discount on the return trip. This option allows for that; similarly to the cost of a one-way trip, only in this case, the price is set for the return trip. The cost of the return trip can be less or more and does not depend on the cost of a one-way trip. For example: the cost of the trip there = 100 euros, and back = 120 euros;
Standing fee — A fixed amount that is added to the cost of an order as a tax (can be used at your discretion);
Minimum price — Even if the per-kilometer cost of the trip is less than the minimum trip cost, the client will still be required to pay the minimum cost;
Stop-way minimum price — Cost of Additional Stops Along the Way;
Prepayment on cash (fixed) — A fixed sum as a prepayment for the trip with the payment type "cash", which is paid by card;
Prepayment on cash (%) — Similar to a prepaid fixed amount, in this case, a percentage of the total order cost is taken.
This section specifies the vehicle's capacity: the permissible number of passengers, the permissible number of suitcases, and hand luggage.
Also, when working on a delivery vehicle, this section will offer different settings, such as: payload capacity, pallets, length, width, height.
In this section, prices for additional services are specified, such as:
Meet & greet — Cost for the "airport meet and greet" service. The driver will be waiting at the airport exit holding a sign with your name or your company's logo;
Place for disabled — Cost of providing spaces for people with disabilities;
Baby seat — Additional fee for having a baby seat;
Booster seat — Additional charge for having a child seat;
Ski equipment — Additional cost for transporting ski equipment;
Passenger fee — An additional tax that is charged to each passenger;
Pets fee — Additional charge for transporting each pet;
Waiting time price — Additional fee that will be charged for every minute of extra customer waiting time.
Important: if any of the services are available but are free of charge, you should set the cost of the service to 0.
In cases where the service is not available to clients, you should leave the service cost field empty (do not enter anything in this field).
In addition, in the case of delivery vehicles, this section will display other additional services: Door-to-door, loaders, waiting time price. All other conditions remain the same.
In this section, you can configure special prices per kilometer depending on the time of day and days of the week.
First, you need to specify the time interval considered as nighttime. For this, there are two fields in the section: Night hours start (GMT) and Night hours end (GMT). Keep in mind that the time should be specified in the GMT 0 time zone. After this, the system will understand which time interval is considered nighttime and which is daytime.
In the "Days pricing method" field, you can specify how special pricing will work: disabled, replace prices (base prices will be replaced with prices depending on the time of day and day of the week), added to base prices, or added to base prices as a percentage.
Next, it is necessary to set special prices for daytime and separately for nighttime, for each day of the week.
After all fields have been filled out, be sure to save the page for the settings to take effect. From this point forward, the cost of the order will take into account the rate depending on the time of day and day of the week.
Также, в нижней части страницы доступны отдельные настойки для каждого класса машин, которые мы рассмотрим отдельно: