Company Prices
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In this section, you can configure or view companies' personalized prices.
Sometimes, there is a need for taxi companies to set their own prices, and for the system to operate considering these prices. For this purpose, this section was created. It allows for the selection of specific divisions, in which companies will indicate their own prices, and the system will then take these prices into account when calculating the cost of an order.
In the "Zones" section, when creating or editing a division, the system administrator will have access to a "New method" checkbox. This allows making the division special, where companies can set their own prices for trips. Also, after saving, this division will be marked with a "New" flag, so the administrator can immediately see which divisions are special and which are not.
After the administrator activates the special division, a new "Company Prices" section will appear in the administrative panel, where the administrator can set the prices for companies in this special division. A similar section will also appear in the personal accounts of taxi companies operating in this division. For more details about the settings in the taxi companies' profile, see here.
This section has two subsections:
Taxi prices within the city;
Airport Transfer Prices.
When adding prices, the system administrator must select a company from the list and also a car class. In cases where prices are being set for transfers from/to the airport, the system administrator must also choose an airport. Prices are set for each car class separately.
When pricing for city taxi services, it is essential to specify the rates per kilometer for various distances: 1km, 5km, 10km, 15km, 20km, 30km, 50km, 100km, 150km, and 200km, for each type of vehicle available in the taxi company's fleet. Additionally, the cost per minute of travel time should be mentioned (though mentioning the per-minute cost is optional).
They also indicate:
Minimum trip cost;
Meet and greet up to 1 hour free of charge;
Child/baby seat;
Animals (Cats, Dogs, Parrots);
Extra stop;
Waiting time 1 hour;
Ski equipment;
Place for disabled;
Day/night pricing, etc.
When an order is estimated in the widget, the system will calculate the price based on the most favorable cost per KM + per minute of travel among companies in the specific division, i.e., it selects the lowest rate, and the order will first be offered to this company. If they decline or do not act, then the order will be forwarded to all other companies.
How is the calculation per KM + minute of time done? Assuming the length of our trip is 10KM and it will take 8 minutes (these data are obtained from Google when calculating the route). The current rate per KM = 1.2 euros. The rate per minute of travel (if stated) = 0.8 euros. Thus, the cost of the trip equals: 10KM * 1.2 euros + 8 minutes * 0.8 euros = 18.4 euros
The situation with transfers is similar, but airports are added here. You will need to select from the list an airport of this particular division and specify your prices for the trip (KM + price per minute (optional)) + choice: to the airport, from the airport, or both directions. All this will be done for each selected type of car. Other parameters are similar to those for city taxi services.
Also, in the personal accounts of taxi companies, if they operate in a special division, a section "Your Pricing" will appear, where they can set their own prices.
Important: When assessing orders within a special division, the system will automatically add an administrator's fee and Stripe's commission to the prices quoted by taxi companies, resulting in the final cost of the trip for the customer.
Additionally, when taxi companies input their pricing, a tooltip displaying the average cost per kilometer and per minute of travel time for that type of car will be shown above the price input field. This will aid them in setting their prices appropriately, avoiding setting them too low or too high. The average price will be calculated based on the prices already submitted by other companies in the division.