Company applications
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"Company applications" section
In this section, you will find a list of all taxi companies that have completed the form and submitted their application to be added to the system. This allows them to become part of it and fulfill orders.
Information about the company is presented in a table that displays the company name, contact person's name, contact email, phone number, application submission date, and a "More info" button to navigate to the page with detailed information about the company and its moderation.
This page is similar to the company information page and has similar informational blocks:
Application (Company details);
Vehicle classes;
Additionally, at the bottom of the page, there are 2 buttons available only to the system administrator. These buttons allow the administrator to accept or reject a taxi company's registration request.
In this section, the taxi company can specify which airports it serves and in which directions (from the airport only, to the airport only, or both ways).