Driver profile
Last updated
Last updated
This page displays detailed information about a specific driver:
Company associated with this driver
Driver's Name
Driver's Contact Phone Number
Driver's Email
Driver's Photo
Driver's Gender
Preferred Communication Language
License Type
License Expiry Date
Car Make and Model
Car Color
Car Number Plate
Driver's Note
List of Reviews
In this section, all reviews left for the driver are displayed. Each time a driver completes an order, the system asks the customer to rate the trip upon its completion. This rating is assigned to the driver, while the overall rating of the taxi company is calculated based on the cumulative ratings of all its drivers. In this case, the company has an interest in ensuring that its drivers fulfill orders with high quality.
In the event a customer leaves a negative review, and the taxi company deems it disputable, it has the right to submit its rebuttal. This rebuttal is only visible to the system's administrator and is not accessible to the customer. Upon reviewing the rebuttal, the administrator decides whether to respond to the customer. If a decision is made to respond, a special separate field is available for the administrator to use. After the response, the customer will receive an email with the system administrator's comment.