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Add New Company to List of Auto Assign
An airport is identified on the map as a specific area that the system automatically recognizes as an airport. This recognition aids in categorizing a booking as an airport transfer. Furthermore, this setting enables the system to request additional details such as the flight number, airline, and country of departure to monitor the plane's arrival. Conversely, bookings not designated within the airport area are classified as city taxi services and do not require extra information for confirmation.
This section provides a list of all serviced airports. Each airport is represented by its unique ID, name, airport address, coordinates, and the date it was added. Also, each airport has delete and edit buttons.
For ease of finding the desired airport, a search by keyword is provided at the top of the page.
This form allows you to add a new airport to the system and assign companies that can make travel bookings to or from this airport. Also, it provides the option to designate a priority taxi company, which will be the first to receive orders to/from this airport.
Let's take a closer look at the form:
Name — the name of the airport to be displayed in the widget upon address entry.
Meetpoint — the meeting place where the driver will wait for the passenger. It is specified in the email that the client receives after placing the order.
Order — the order in which the airport will appear in the widget during search.
Location — Airport address, duplicated on the map. After adding an airport, the system automatically creates a new zone on the map.
Google Maps — for visually displaying a location on the map.
After clicking the "Auto Assign" button, a popup window will open displaying a list of all the companies assigned to the airport. One of the companies is marked with a green check, indicating it as the priority company. This means that orders from this airport will initially be offered to this company, and only in the case of their refusal or inaction, will they be offered to all other companies in the list.
To add a new company to the list, click on the "Add New" button. A form will appear with the following fields:
Company — a dropdown field for selecting a company from the list available. The field supports autocomplete.
Direction — indicator specifying whether the company offers trips only from the airport, only to the airport, or both ways.
Main — Is this company a priority or not?