Booking details
The page with booking details consists of blocks, each providing specific information about the order. Let's delve into each of them:
This block contains information about the trip:
Departure point
Date and time of the trip
Date of order creation
Google Maps displaying the trip route
Changing these values in the system may result in a recalculation of the trip cost. In such cases, the client may need to pay extra if the trip duration increases, or the system may need to refund a portion of the payment if the trip becomes shorter.
Important: Addresses, date, and time of the trip can only be modified by the user or system administrator up to a certain point. Afterward, these fields are locked, and modifications cannot be made. The time limit for modifying an order is set by the system administrator in the order settings.
Additionally, once the trip has commenced, it cannot be altered, as it is already in the execution stage.
Additional Info
In this block, the administrator, taxi company, and the client can view other order details, including:
Is the trip shared? (Yes/No)
Number of passengers
Child seats (0 to 3 years)
Child seats (3 to 11 years)
Waiting time, if the client needs to be picked up
Disabled access
Space for skiing equipment
Pet transport
Airport Meet and Greet service - text or image to be displayed on the sign
Flight number
Arrival location
Arrival time (according to the ticket)
Departure flight
Departure time (according to the ticket)
Hotel name
Additional customer comments.
Note: Many of these fields are optional, but modifying them may result in a recalculated trip cost. For example, changes in the number of passengers or luggage, airport meet and greet, pets, etc.
In this block, you can view details about the trip rating, its duration, distance, and information about the car class.
The trip cost is determined based on the distance, zones through which the route passes, car class, and additional options (stops along the way, airport meet and greet, child seat, pets, etc.).
Client info
This block displays the client's contact information. It is visible to the system administrator, the client, and the taxi company assigned to the order. Only the system administrator and the client can modify the contact information.
These details are not directly linked to the registered user profile and can be changed in this block without consequences for the user profile. This can also be used to book a taxi for another person. The passenger's name and contact phone number are mandatory.
This block displays information about the client's payment: invoice number, total order amount, paid amount, payment method, refund, and a link to the invoice in PDF format.
If the order has been modified and the client needs to pay extra, a second invoice for the additional payment will appear. If the order is shortened and a partial refund needs to be issued to the client, this amount will be recorded in the "Refunded" column.
Price offers
In some situations, the trip price is not available in advance. In this case, the client can request a personalized price for their trip. When this happens, a new block will appear in the order details, showing the prices offered by taxi companies.
After each offer from a taxi company, the client will receive an email with information about the proposed trip cost. If the offered trip price is acceptable to the client, they can accept it, and the order will be automatically assigned to the chosen company.
Additionally, the system administrator can accept any company's offer on behalf of the client.
Send price
If the prices offered by taxi companies for the trip do not suit the client, or if there are no offers at all, the system administrator can set the trip cost themselves and assign the order to a taxi company. To do this, in the "Send Price" block, they need to select a taxi company from the list and specify the price for the order that they propose to execute.
Rejected assignments
In case the taxi company assigned to execute the order cannot fulfill it and refuses it, they must specify the reason for the refusal. The reasons for refusal are logged in the "Rejected Assignments" block, which is visible only to the system administrator.
Suitable taxi companies
For each trip, the system automatically selects taxi companies that are suitable for executing the order. The company's working hours, the radius in which it operates, the availability of the required car class, and the type of trip are taken into account. This block significantly simplifies the process of selecting an executor for the system administrator.
The block displays the names of the companies (as links to their profiles) and a "Assign" button. Clicking on it will assign the order to the selected taxi company.
Note: The administrator can assign the order to any other company. This block provides only recommendatory information.
After the order has been assigned to a company, this block will be hidden, and instead, a block with information about the assigned taxi company will be displayed.
This block displays the data of the company that accepted the order.
To accept the order, the company must assign a driver, specify the make, color, and number of the car. Also, if desired, the company can leave a comment for the customer.
If desired, the system administrator can edit all this data, as well as change the order's executor to another one. After the new data is entered or another executor is selected, you need to click the "Change company" button. After that, the changes will take effect.
Important: Do not confuse with saving the entire order. This block is independent, and to save your changes, you need to click specifically on the "Change company" button."
Job status history
This block is visible only to the system administrator and appears only if the order was executed through the mobile application (Android or iOS).
This block logs the exact time and location of the driver's actions and can serve as evidence in disputed matters. The block contains the following information:
Date and time when the driver went to pick up the client
Date, time, and exact location of the driver's arrival
Date, time, and exact location when the passenger got into the car
Date, time, and exact location of order completion (passenger drop-off)
The location is provided in the form of coordinates, which are a link to Google Maps.
Note: This block appears only when the driver uses the mobile application. The block is accessible only to the system administrator.
Additional elements
In addition to the main blocks, there are also auxiliary elements on the order details page. Let's take a closer look at them:
Top bar
Here, the order number is indicated, along with a reverse trip indicator, a link to switch to the return trip order, and vice versa. Also, in the top right corner, there is a toggle switch between the order change history and a link to return to order editing.
Bottom bar
At the bottom of the page, there is a panel with the following options: saving changes made to the order, a button to return to the list of orders, a button to cancel the current order or return trip, a button to delete the order, and an order lock.
Last updated