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In this section, you can view a list of all taxi companies registered in your system and active in fulfilling orders.
The list of companies is presented with the following information:
Company logo (optional)
Name of the taxi company
Contact email
Contact phone number
Number of drivers registered in the system from this taxi company
Current commission with this company (indicated in %)
Date and time the company was added to the system
Blocked until (if the company received penalties due to a poor review about it)
A "Commissions" button, to go to the settlement section with the selected company
A "More info" button, for more detailed information about the company
A "Delete" button, to remove the company from the list.
Important: if an order has been or was previously assigned to a company, then it will not be possible to delete the company, as it is already associated with an order. In all other cases, drivers of the company must first be removed and then the taxi company itself.
Users can sort the taxi companies in this section based on:
Name: Alphabetically, from A to Z or Z to A.
Number of drivers: Ascending or Descending order.
Commission: Ascending or Descending order, indicated in percentage.
Creation date: Newest or Oldest based on when they were added to the system.
Blocked date: Most recent or Oldest date a company was blocked.
At the top of the page, a search bar enables users to search for companies using any keyword present in the company's information, enhancing the ease of navigation within the list.
Данный раздел был создан для того, чтобы администратору сайта было легче вести учет всех коммиссей и должников. Переход в данный раздел доступен в правом верхнем углу страницы, в виде ссылки "Commissions".
Total Commissions Overview Page
Upon navigating to the "Total Commissions" section within the platform, users are directed to a new interface divided into two primary segments:
Companies owing commissions to the system administrator.
Companies to whom the system administrator is obligated to remit commissions.
Detailed Descriptions and Functionalities for Each Block:
Each segment of the interface features an organized table layout meticulously crafted to convey essential information at a glance. The details presented in these tables include:
Company ID: A unique identifier assigned to each company within the platform to ensure accurate tracking and processing.
Company Name: The official registered name of the company, facilitating quick identification.
Count of Bookings: This column tallies the total number of transactions or bookings processed through the platform, directly influencing the commission amount.
Summary: An aggregated overview highlighting the total commission amount due, calculated based on the rate agreed upon and the number of bookings registered.
"Generate Invoice" Button: An interactive button designed to initiate the automatic creation of a detailed invoice. This feature streamlines the invoicing process, making it nearly effortless for administrators.
Invoicing Process:
The integration of a "Generate Invoice" function underscores the platform's commitment to operational efficiency. Upon selection, this feature activates an automated sequence that formulates a comprehensive invoice reflecting all pertinent financial details. This document is then electronically dispatched to the designated taxi company, ensuring both transparency and accuracy in financial dealings.
This streamlined approach not only simplifies administrative tasks but also fosters a trust-based relationship between the system administrators and the partnered companies. It exemplifies how technological solutions can enhance procedural efficiency and reliability in financial transactions within the platform's ecosystem.
Upon clicking this button, a new page identical to the "Company Profile" page will open, with the exception that all fields will be empty. After filling in the fields, it is necessary to save the changes.