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This section stores all the feedback left by customers after their trip has concluded. The feedback is presented in a tabular format and is paginated. Each feedback entry consists of a unique feedback ID, the name of the company that fulfilled the order (as a link to the company's profile), the driver's name (as a link to the driver's profile), rating, order number, customer's name, the feedback itself, and the date of publication. Additionally, each feedback entry includes buttons for deleting and editing the feedback.
After clicking the "More Info" button, a new window will open where the form shown in the image above will be available.
Your Comment — feedback left by a customer after completing a trip.
Company Reply — In case of a negative review, the taxi company can comment on the situation and explain why the review was negative. The company's comment is only visible to the system administrator, not to the customer. After the company submits their reply, the system administrator will receive an email notification.
Admin Reply — after reviewing the situation and examining the client's complaint, as well as the response from the taxi company, the system administrator can provide their response to the client's complaint. This response will be available to the client.
Once an order is completed, the client receives an email notification requesting them to rate their trip. To rate, clients need to navigate to their order and scroll to the bottom where a new section will appear, allowing them to submit a trip rating and leave a comment. After the client has submitted their review, the system administrator will receive an email notification about the new review.
Here are a few simple steps you need to follow to leave a review:
1. Simply sign in to your personal account here. 2. Navigate to the "Bookings" section.
3. Locate your order and click on the "More Info" button.
4. Scroll to the bottom of your order details, where you'll find a "Review" section. 5. Write your review and click "Submit" to share your feedback with us.
Through translations, you can easily modify the parameters by which a trip is evaluated. For example, by default, a trip is assessed based on three criteria: punctuality, comfort, and cleanliness, but if necessary, you can change them to any others. Similarly, this can be done for ratings in mobile applications.
Additionally, in the main system settings (Settings -> Companies), you can configure an automatic penalty system for taxi companies for a negative review or rewards for a positive review.
As seen in the image above, if a taxi company receives a negative review (below 4 stars), the system automatically blocks the company for 1 hour, during which time the company will not receive any new orders.
In the event of a positive rating (4 or more stars), the system automatically grants priority status to the company for a duration of 1 hour, and all new orders will be primarily directed to them. Only in the event of their refusal to take an order or if they do not respond, will the orders be redirected to other companies.