Company profile
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The company information is presented in several blocks. Let's take a closer look at each of them.
In this section, we outline the basic information and settings for the taxi company:
Company Name
Company Contact Email
Contact Phone Number
Company Logo
Language: Preferred language. The company's dashboard will be translated into this language.
Timezone: The company's time zone, necessary for the correct display of order start times.
Commission: The percentage that is charged by the system administrator on each order fulfilled by the company.
Bill Automatically: This option allows for the automatic generation of an invoice for settlement between the company and the administrator at each billing period.
Has Transfer: If active, the company performs transfer orders to/from the airport.
Has City Taxi: Activate if the company operates city taxi orders.
Has Transport: Activate if the company provides delivery services.
Single Driver: Activate if the company consists of just one person, who is self-employed and fulfills orders by themselves.
Divisions: The directions/countries in which the company operates. Multiple selections are allowed.
City Taxi Priority: Indicates that the company has priority and in case of auto-assignment of orders, this company will receive them first.
City Taxi Pick-up Zone: Specify the specific radius within which the company operationalizes taxi orders. Multiple selections are allowed.
When a company is created, a user is automatically generated, with which the company is associated. This section displays information about that user:
User ID.
User email: typically, it is the same email as the company's email address.
Link to user profile.
In this section, the company can choose the types of vehicles available in its fleet.
Vehicles will be available depending on the services provided by the company. For instance, if the company does not offer delivery services, the corresponding types of vehicles will not be displayed to it. Also, each region or country may have its own types of vehicles available.
To select a certain type of vehicle, mark it with a check in the respective column (airport transfer, city taxi, or delivery).
In this section, the company must provide detailed information and billing details about itself. This information will be used subsequently to display on the invoice.
Note: Data marked with an asterisk (*) are required to be filled in.
This block provides a sample contract for partner cooperation that the system enters into with a taxi company. Contract template management is done in the "Contract templates" section.
After downloading the contract, the company must sign it and upload a scanned version with the signature back.
In this section, the company can list the airports where it provides its services. This means that in the case of a transfer to/from an airport, the company will be considered as a potential executor of the order.
Important: Do NOT list airports that are not serviced by the company.
To specify an airport, start typing its name in the "Airport" field, and also indicate the direction in the "Direction" field: From, To, Both Directions. After the data is entered, click on the "Add" button. If the company no longer services the airport, it should be removed from the list using the "Delete" button.
In this section, the company may provide any additional information about itself.
Using this feature, the company owner can customize which notifications they want to receive from the system and which they do not. To enable or disable a notification, simply check or uncheck the box next to the corresponding notification type. All notifications are sent to the company owner's email as electronic mail.
Also, at the top of the page, there are options such as: a link to the commission calculation page for this company, and a form to send a message to the company. The message will be sent as an email to the company owner's inbox.