Widget Integration
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In this section, the system administrator can configure the booking widget, which can then be placed on their website, allowing users to make reservations directly through it.
Let's take a closer look at each widget setting:
Language — The default language of the widget, i.e., the language in which the widget will load upon the first opening. This feature allows you to set up different widgets in different languages for each language version of your site.
Widget Code Parameter:
STEP #2 — If after completing the first step (address, date, and time) it's necessary to redirect the user to a new page where they can continue the booking process and start selecting a car class, this option will assist in that. In this field, you can specify the URL of the page to which the user should be redirected after completing the first step.
It can be an absolute or relative URL (e.g. "https://some.domain.com/booking" or simply "/booking") or DOM element id (e.g. "widget-container"). If you don't want to use this feature, set this field empty.
Important: On the new page, the widget code should also be installed, but this time without the redirection parameter. Otherwise, the redirection will send the user to an empty page.
Widget Code Parameter:
Redirect to URL After Successful Payment — By default, after successfully placing an order, a thank-you message and order confirmation will be displayed to the user within the widget itself. If you need to redirect the user to another page of the site after successfully placing an order, this setting can be utilized. You need to add the URL of the page to which the user should be redirected after booking in the field provided.
Widget Code Parameter:
Redirect to blank page (yes/no) — Indicator to open the redirect page on the second step or after successful booking in a new window or the same browser window.
Widget Code Parameter:
Google API Key — Allows you to specify a separate Google Maps key for the widget. This option can be useful if the system and the website use different domains and servers.
Widget Code Parameter:
Terms and Conditions URL — Here you can specify the URL for the "Terms and Conditions" page on your website. When a user clicks on the corresponding link in the widget, this page will open for them.
Widget Code Parameter:
Privacy Policy URL — Similar to the "Terms and Conditions" setting mentioned above.
Widget Code Parameter:
Active tab — This setting allows you to specify which type of service will be active by default in the widget (airport transfer, city taxi, or delivery).
Widget Code Parameter:
Show Map (Yes/No) — If the user is having difficulty specifying the address of their pickup or drop-off location, they always have the option to show it on the map by using the "Show on Map" feature. This setting allows for the map to be displayed constantly or to be brought up only when the "Show on Map" button is pressed.
Widget Code Parameter:
Show return booking (yes/no) — A parameter that allows offering users to book a return trip immediately after successfully booking a one-way trip.
Widget Code Parameter:
Show last bookings popup (yes/no) — This option allows displaying pop-up windows with brief information about the latest bookings in the bottom left corner of the site.
Widget Code Parameter:
Instructions — Code that needs to be placed on your website so users can place orders directly from the site.
Add below script into website header or footer:
Insert the code provided below into the web-page wherever you need it:
Insert the code below into the destination (redirect) page wherever you prefer:
Question Mark Settings — In this section, you can configure which hints to display to your customers in the widget. You can manage the text of the hints, edit them, and translate them into other languages in the translations section.